E-536 Potassium Ferrocyanide

Potassium ferrocyanide (E536) is classified as a neutral salt and is becoming increasingly common in the diet by being added to iodised salt as an anti-caking agent.

It is slightly toxic, since adding acid to an aqueous solution releases toxic hydrogen cyanide gas. Although not mutagenic, it can cause irritation, if ingested, inhaled, or if it comes into contact with skin.

The adverse effects of the E536 food additive increase according to the quantity and regularity with which it enters the body. It is therefore toxic in large amounts and accumulates in the body in any case because iodised salt is becoming increasingly common in most foods.

In Great Britain, the addition of this anti-caking agent to table salt is prohibited.

Given that this food additive is considered toxic and that an EU Member State has already decided to prohibit its use in foods such as salt:

Click me for Information About E-536


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